Saturday 18 April 2015

I like Wasiu Ayinde, but I don’t know whether he likes me — Abass Akande Obesere(part 2)

Continue from part 1..

Is FUMAN getting support of the federal government?

Anytime we go to them for support, they do the little they can, but right now, our main plea is that the federal government should assist us in reducing piracy. When the Constitution was drafted many years ago, N50,000 was the fine levied against piracy and that amount still stands till now. This amount now means nothing to pirates. If you take any pirate to court, the highest he or she will pay is N50,000. So, what the government can do to reduce piracy is to make a harsh law that will discourage piracy in the country.

Since the last rape scandal, how have you been relating with female fans?

There is no way I can do without women, because without women, the job can't go well. I believe anything you are doing, without the influence of women in it, it hardly ends well. That's my opinion anyway.

You said you can't do without women. What role do they play exactly in your profession?

Of course, you need their voices, dancing skills on stage, to capture and retain the audience's attention. Besides, my mother and wife are women and I respect them.

What about the lady who alleged that you raped her?

Everybody knew she was just seeking attention. She concluded in her warped mind that I was daft and would keep quiet by begging her with money. I later learnt that she had been doing that for a long time, but she found me to be a wrong choice. She has run away since then because she has been declared wanted by the police.

How did your wife feel when she learnt about it?

I had told her that they said a lady claimed I raped her and said I should pay N10 million, but my wife said 'what sort of rubbish is that; Let her go to hell. I told her, immediately it happened, because I owed her an explanation as my wife. When she eventually heard about it, and knowing that I couldn't do what the lady had alleged, she didn't feel bad. But then, I can't say because I was hurt by a girl I would keep a distance from women. By doing that, good people will walk away. We shouldn't say because someone has done us evil, we should reciprocate with evil, no.

What's going on between you and Wasiu Ayinde?

I don't have any problem with Wasiu Ayinde and I don't think he has a problem with me. I like him, but I don't know whether he likes me.

So, how and where do you relax?

There is no time for relaxation in Nigeria, because there is always one performance or the other weekly. Even during weekdays, we have rehearsals or other shows. But when I want a rest, I leave the country for one or two weeks.

When you are alone, what do you do?

I think about the future; what may happen the next minute, tomorrow. How can I be where I want to be, including my family and people around me? I think about how to help people achieve their goals.

Who is the closest to you?

My wife. I love her and she is always there for me. She is like a mother. I am proud of her.

Apart from music, what other things are you into?

Well, even if I have any other thing doing, nothing can be more inspiring to me than music. My profession is more important to me. So, I don't have anything to tell the world that I am doing other than music.

Do you plan to go into politics?

Only God knows the future and what I may become. My wife is a politician. That could have to do with her political background. Her dad was Busari Adelakun. She wants to become one of the strongest politicians in Oyo State. For me, I have never thought of being a politician, but since I married a politician, I see myself as a politician. Everybody knows now in Oyo that I did a campaign song and have been performing for Senator Teslim Folarin, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate and generally for PDP.

Why PDP?

It is because the PDP appreciates me, but I am not an enemy of other parties.

What are your regrets?

I have never had regrets in my life. I believe that what happens to you happened because God wants it.

What is your happiest moment?

Whenever I am on the stage. If you want to see me in my happiest mood, come to where I am performing. In fact, I am happy when people are happy.

Tell us what people don't know about you.

I am a complete gentleman. Most people think I have the same character when I am on stage. The Abass Akande on stage is different from Abass Akande off stage.

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