Sunday 10 May 2015


Read From part 1...this is the concluding part 2 of the interview wit Actress SOLA SHOBOWALE..

Why is it that they focus more on quantity instead of quality in Nigeria?

It's a pity because you know the answer yourself. We need to feed ourselves. I shot a movie about 2 or 3 years ago called Adayeba Ote Part 1, 2, 3. When I was tired of recording, I had spent about N5.8 million and we had not finished editing. After editing, I did not make up to 3 million. I thank God I did not borrow any money to do that, if I had borrowed money what would have happened to me? I lived in England, I do all the jobs and I bring the money back to Nigeria to shoot a movie because this is me, this is my passion. When you talk about quality, where are you going to get the money for the quality?

Are you really fulfilled as an actress?

I am not talking about money but you know something in life? When you enjoy doing what you love, you will be fine. I am fine but I need money to survive. I want all my effort to be crowned because I work very hard so I can't just be doing it in vain

Are all your children in Nigeria or in England?

They're in England, one is here. He has graduated already and he just recently got married

How does someone become good at acting?

First of all, you need to find yourself and believe in yourself. It is not a platform to showcase your beauty or for publicity, it is a profession. You need to treat it as a profession like a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant. When you know that this is your profession and you get there, you take things step by step. Don't say because you're beautiful you want to sleep around, how many would sleep with you? Don't forget that beauty is not on the outside, it's on the inside

I'm sure you get upset when you see actresses dress almost nude?

Many people have described you as an ageless beauty, is there any secret to maintaining your good looks?I don't get annoyed, the bottom line is this; nobody forces you to do anything. We need education and we need exposure. I'm a typical Nigerian woman, I love my Naija and our culture; there are some things we don't do, it's not in our culture. If we say we want to do it, we can do it in our house under our roof not in public because you get no respect doing that. Our producers and directors need to know that when you are acting as a prostitute,  you don't need to remove your dress to become a prostitute. You don't need to be touched to act as a grade A prostitute. I did Asewo to Re Mecca, the pace setter, fantastic; myself and Toyin Adegbola. I played the number 1 Asewo and I introduced Toyin's character to it. We didn't remove anything and it was talk of the town. When the producers know this, you will not see nakedness again. We should want people to respect us and respect this profession.

When you came to my house, how did you see me? I play a lot, I laugh, I smile and I am not a schemer. When you scheme, your head works 24/7 and before you know it, wrinkles are all over your face. Or if you lie and you want to keep lying, your head is never resting and it is ever thinking. Mine is, 'What you see is what you get' and I give glory to God and I thank God for my parents; they raised me very well and I got that from them

Apart from that Saudi Arabia scandal, is there any other one you've faced?

You need to tell me that scandal, tell me the whole story

They said that you smuggled cocaine and then they beheaded you in Saudi Arabia?

(Laughs) Do you believe in abracadabra? Whether I put my head back, they should tell me. If you give me the map of the world, I don't know where Saudi Arabia is. I am not a Muslim, I am a Christian, so what is my business in Saudi Arabia? I've never been there; I've never in my life seen cocaine. Yes, I watch movies; internationally I saw Al Pacino in Scarface and I saw our own Nigerian movies where we do cocaine, that's all. Where that scandal came from, how it came to be, still baffles me. I don't know why people would just sit down and fabricate stories to rubbish people's name, it is not fair.

What would you advice celebrities to do in order to keep their marriages?

What I would just tell everybody is, I know my home and I know myself. What happens in that other building; I don't know so we should not judge. Secondly, there is something called foundation. In education, when you go to secondary school and you come out of that school and make your papers, that is the foundation. Without that foundation, you can't get to university or further your studies. The foundation of marriage is love, endurance, honesty and to crown it all; keep it in the house

What more should people expect from Sola Sobowale?

Nectar; people should just watch out for Sola Sobowale because it's going to be a great comeback.

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